JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI, Ace Hasan Syadzily responded to the praise of the leader of the World Catholic Church, Pope Francis for the motto Indonesia Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. According to Ace, the Indonesian people should be proud of Pope Francis' confession of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

" Pope Francis' knowledge of Indonesia, which has the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, shows that this motto is well known to the caliber figure of Pope Francis. We should be proud of this recognition," Ace told reporters, Thursday, September 5.

Ace said the presence of the Pope in Indonesia is a form of honor, especially for Catholics in Indonesia.

"Of course it is pride if the world's spiritual leaders visit their people in our country," said Ace.

Ace said that Pope Francis' presence shows the world that Indonesia accepts religious diversity even though its people are predominantly Muslim. Moreover, said Ace, the Pope has knowledge of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

"From Pope Francis' visit, we can show the world that Indonesia, which is the majority of Muslims, can accept pluralism, including religious diversity. Indonesia is a pluralistic country that has the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which is the value upheld by our nation," explained the Deputy Head of Golkar.

The simple and modest figure of Pope Francis, continued Ace, can be an example for all religious people. The Pope, he said, had shown that religion is a noble spiritual foundation.

"Religion is a noble value and becomes a spiritual foundation for noble behavior and morals as Pope Francis shows," he said.

In addition, Ace said Pope Francis' presence to Indonesia gave the spirit of peace. Moreover, Pope Francis consistently encourages peace in Palestine.

"The presence of Pope Francis in Indonesia also gives a spirit of peace to the world. Pope Francis has always consistently encouraged peace, including peace in Palestine. We prioritize the spirit of humanity to create world peace in promoting the welfare of mankind," he concluded.

Previously, Pope Francis talked about efforts to strengthen the harmony of the entire community. The leader of the world Catholic church invites all parties to seek dialogue with various religious backgrounds and beliefs.

The Vatican Head of State also revealed the meaning of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika which became the motto of the Indonesian nation. literally, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika means "different but still one jua". The Pope interprets more than that.

"This motto also shows that, like the biodiversity in this island nation, it is a source of wealth and beauty, as well as your differences specifically contribute to the formation of a very large mosaic, where each ceramic is an irreplaceable element in creating authentic and valuable masterpieces," said the Pope when visiting the Presidential Palace, Wednesday, September 4.

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