JAKARTA - Jakarta Governor Pramono Anung's candidate will respond to the government's plan to change the Commuter Line KRL tariff subsidy system to be based on the population identification number (NIK).

The Cabinet Secretary assessed that there should be no need for differences in the costs incurred by any community to use public transportation.

"The most important thing is that whatever public transportation is, it must be fear for anyone. It is not permissible to distinguish class if it is called public transportation," said Pramono on Jalan Cemara, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, September 2.

Public transportation facilities as community mobility, according to him, cannot be equated with the social assistance (bansos) policy distributed to the underprivileged economy. So, there needs to be an aspect of equality in the use of transportation.

"(Subsidy) must, for example (determinated) people who receive social assistance, can't. Everyone must be treated the same, because this is public transportation. For me, I think that, yes," said Pramono.

Users of the Jabodetabek Commuter Line electric train (KRL) transportation mode were shocked by the plan to provide subsidies based on the Population Identification Number or NIK. A number of observers who denominat this policy will have an impact on passengers, one of which is social grouping.

Recently, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) plans to change the scheme for providing subsidies for Jabodetabek KRL tickets to NIK-based. With the implementation of NIK-based KRL tickets, the government wants PSO subsidies to be channeled more on target.

For information, all Jabodetabek KRL tickets have been subsidized by the government in the form of public service obligation (PSO), so that subsidies are provided evenly to all KRL passengers.

However, this plan is opposed by a number of groups, especially KRL users. The lack of train fleet and a long waiting period on several routes should be of concern to the government, according to KRL users. In addition, the implementation of this policy also adds to the burden of the middle class.

Spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation, Adita Irawati, said that this plan had actually been sticking out since 2023 but had not been realized until now. According to him, this plan was encouraged by the government by placing it in the Financial Note II Book along with the State Budget Draft for Fiscal Year 2025.

"In 2025, there is indeed a lot of decrease in the APBN allocation. One of them is definitely the consequences, there are also subsidies or experiments that must be adjusted. That's why this is actually in line with the plan for the NIK-based KRL tariff to be right on target because the funds are limited," explained Adita.

Nevertheless, Adita said that this plan would not necessarily be implemented in 2025 because it was still waiting for the results of the government's study. Although there is no certainty about whether or not this policy will occur, the majority of KRL users have complained about this plan.

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