JAKARTA - The Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said that the suicide bombing was not only detrimental to society and the state. The perpetrators were also criticized by religion and hated by God.

This statement was made in response to the suicide bombing at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church or Cathedral, Makassar. This incident happened on Sunday, March 28 yesterday.

"This incident should certainly be a lesson for all of us. Acts of terrorism including suicide bombings are not only self-defeating but can threaten the lives and safety of many people. This is strongly condemned by religion and hated by God", Muhadjir said in his written statement to journalists, Monday, March 29.

He condemned the actions of these terrorists. Moreover, this incident occurred in a house of worship.

"I strongly condemn acts of terrorism, especially until it is carried out in places of worship", said the former Minister of Education and Culture.

For the incident not to recur, Muhadjir asked the National Police to thoroughly investigate the terrorist act. In fact, if necessary, he asked the police to involve related parties to expedite the investigation so that the background of this action and the perpetrators could be known.

Furthermore, he hopes that people will not immediately be provoked and remain calm in carrying out worship. Muhadjir appealed to the public to immediately report if they find out that there are suspicious things.

"Until now, the police are still working on the Crime Scene (TKP). Hopefully, all goes well and of course, we hope that an incident like this will not happen again", he said.

As previously reported, a suicide bomb explosion occurred in the vicinity of the Cathedral Church, Makasar City, Sunday, March 28, at around 10.30 WITA. As a result of this explosion, several people became victims.

Police are still looking for information and clues to this incident. However, the explosion was said to have come from a motorcyclist and two people were suspected of being the perpetrators.

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