JAKARTA - As many as five people suffered serious burns and 15 others suffered minor injuries due to a fire that occurred at the RU VI Balongan oil refinery, Indramayu Regency, West Java.

"The provisional data shows that five people suffered serious burns", said Secretary of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Indramayu Caya Regency in Indramayu, as reported by Antara, Monday, March 29.

Caya said the number of victims currently is 20 people who have been rushed to the nearest hospital and 15 of them suffered minor injuries and five were seriously injured.

According to him, the victims who were injured were because their house was close to the scene, and some were crossing the road when the fire broke out.

"The victims are various, there are residents and also road users", he said.

He added that apart from causing injuries to the victim, there were also residents around the fire site who had fled to a safer place.

"200 people are at the GOR (Sports Hall) owned by Pertamina and 300 others at Pendopo Indramayu", he said.

The oil refinery fire itself occurred on Monday, March 29, early in the morning at around 01.00 WIB, the fire that caused the explosion was heard for more than five kilometers.

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