SURABAYA - The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, said that the umara (government) and ulama are an inseparable unit.

Eri Cahyadi is ready to support every activity carried out by the Surabaya City MUI during the solemn period of 2021-2025.

"For the interests of any ummah I will fully support. God willing, I will fully support the interests of MUI," he said while attending the inauguration of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Surabaya at Graha Sawunggaling, Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 27.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the East Java MUI, KH Hasan Muttawakkil Alallah, and the Chairman of the MUI in the City of Surabaya, KH Abdul Muchid Murtadho. Also present were Kiai Sukron Zazirah, Kiai Hambali, Nyai Hj. Khomsatul Hidayat, Nyai Hj. Elok Zulakha.

Not only that, Eri Cahyadi emphasized that in the future the Surabaya City Hall Office is not an unfamiliar place for all MUI administrators, so that whenever MUI comes, the city hall door is always open.

"Vice versa, whenever the MUI door is open to me," he said.

According to Eri Cahyadi, that way the city of Surabaya grows stronger and bigger. He also believes in the unity between the ulama and the umara at this time for the benefit of the citizens of the City of Heroes. Not only that, he also asked for blessings and support in order to build a better city.

"There it becomes our great strength, umara and ulama unite. So, we are the whole big family. So, don't hesitate anymore, the mayor is only for the benefit of residents in the city of Surabaya," continued Eri Cahyadi.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the East Java MUI, KH Hasan Muttawakkil Alallah, added that synergy and cooperation such as this is very necessary. The goal is that in determining policy, it does not deviate from religious law.

"The scholars with their knowledge can help direct their knowledge so as not to deviate from the religious law," he said.

The head of the East Java MUI said that a great figure as well as a national hero said there was no weapon that was more effective in facing anything other than unity and togetherness. "Therefore, during the COVID-19 pandemic we must be more compact," he said.

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