The NasDem Party asked law enforcement officials, especially the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to reinforce the process of handling the law and stipulate restrictions on case settlement, especially criminal acts of corruption.

This proposal is one of the recommendations for the results of the discussion at the III Congress of the NasDem Party which was read out by members of the 3rd Congressional Dec NasDem Martin Manurung.

"To emphasize the acceleration and time limitation of the process of handling and resolving legal cases, especially corruption crimes to prevent the use of legal cases as a hostage of certain interests in order to create fair legal certainty for everyone," Martin explained at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Tuesday, August 27.

Martin explained that this proposal was recommended by NasDem to depart from the problem of handling a slow corruption case. This has the potential to be used as a tool for political hostages by the authorities.

"The use of a person's legal status as a hostage of interest outside of legal interests is a practice that must be stopped. This practice is even done by looking for people's mistakes in the past and then being revived," said Martin.

Future eradication of corruption, continued Martin, should be more directed at preventive or preventive approaches, not repressive and sensational.

Then, NasDem reminded law enforcement institutions to open themselves to surveillance, complaints and criticism from the public, respond and immediately make improvements to various shortcomings, irregularities, abuse of authority and mistakes that occur.

"Law enforcement institutions must be open to being monitored, criticized, and willing to admit mistakes when there is an error in handling cases and then correct them," he said.

In addition, NasDem also suggested that the government and the DPR ensure the principle of transparency and involve public participation in the making of legislation, especially those related to eradicating corruption.

"The implementation of the law must be in accordance with its objectives, it must not be used to oppress and suffering the people," he concluded.

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