JAKARTA - Political observer Hendri Satrio explained two ways of regenerating political parties.

First regeneration. Second, deinstitutional, namely forming a new institution that is different from the old one but the ideology is the same. For example, the Golkar Party which gave birth to Hanura and NasDem.

"That's the same ideology because there are differences, so he created a new party, not a new KLB," Hendri said in an online discussion, Saturday, March 27.

So far, according to him, the political parties that do not have too much friction are PDIP, Gerindra and PKS. So that the cadre process does not come to a debate.

What is interesting, said Hendri, is the regeneration at the PDIP. This is because, although it was emphasized by PDIP politician Effendi Simbolon that his party did not have a faction, but the white muzzle party was divided into two, namely the Soekarno and non-Sukarno clans.

"PDIP will replace Bu Mega, there are two breeds. Soekarno and non Soekarno. The name Jokowi or the name BG appears. It is interesting if PDIP places a non-Soekarno family as its successor," said Hendri.

However, Hendri assessed that from the history of the PDIP, it was rather difficult to place non-Soekarno clans into the leadership of the party. "This means that this will be in the Soekarno family. If we narrow it down again, it will become Megawati's breed," he said.

The Director of the Coffee Shop Survey Institute assessed that there are three potential names to replace Megawati. Namely, his three children, among others, Rizki Pratama, Prananda Prabowo and Puan Maharani.

"If we look at it, we will only refer to two names, Puan and Prananda. Puan has complete experience in the legislature, parties and executives. Meanwhile, Nanan (Prananda, red) is at the heart of party defense as a situation room head who makes strategies in the PDIP," said the man. who is familiarly called Hensat.

But actually, he continued, there is another name that rarely appears. "But in my opinion, mystically and biologically it is similar to Bung Karno. That was Bu Mega's first child, Rizki Pratama. It rarely appears but if it appears it looks like Mr. Karno's feet," continued Hensat.

So which of the three names of Megawati's children make it possible to become party chairman?

Hendri also suggested that Megawati immediately appoint a replacement so that there is no friction in the PDIP.

"Now, Nanan or Puan. Even though it has been confirmed that there are no factions in the PDIP, questions remain. If this is a deadlock, it might be pushed by Mas Tatam (Rizki Pratama, ed) who is not in the two factions' camp," he concluded.

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