BANDA ACEH - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri reminded all levels of regional government in the Aceh region not to commit corruption in the process of enacting a policy.

"Pak governor, sir regent, sir mayor, I leave a message that you never have to knock a hammer, if that happens, the state's goal will never be realized. Hit the hammer is the beginning of corruption," said Firli Bahuri, in Banda Aceh, Friday, 26 March.

Firli Bahuri conveyed this statement in front of the Governor of Aceh and 23 Regents and Mayors throughout Aceh when holding a coordination meeting for the integrated corruption eradication program in the Aceh Governor's office hall.

Firli said, the roles and responsibilities of regional heads in realizing national goals in the context of eradicating corruption.

Firli invites all parties to look back on the history of Aceh which gave birth to many heroes and has contributed greatly to the independence and development of the Indonesian nation.

"I ask that this history be the spirit, energy, and enthusiasm for governors, regents, mayors, community leaders, religious leaders, academics, service heads, and all elements of society to participate in realizing national goals," he said.

He asked all elements of society in Aceh to work together and oversee the state finances managed by the Aceh Government to provide great benefits for the benefit and welfare of the Acehnese people.

Moreover, said Firli, the Central Government has spent a large enough budget for Aceh through the APBD, general allocation funds (DAU), special allocation funds (DAK), revenue sharing funds (DBH), and Aceh's special autonomy funds (Otsus) since 2008 .

"DPRD with its authority must check governors, regents, mayors, whether this large budget has provided optimal benefits for the community," said Firli.

Firli said, monitoring the success of local governments in managing the budget can be done by measuring the increase and decrease in poverty, unemployment, maternal mortality, infant mortality, human development index, per capita income, and the Gini ratio.

These indicators, continued Firli, have a relationship and can describe whether an alleged corruption crime has occurred or not from an area.

"Therefore, I advise the regional governments not to hesitate to ask for assistance to the BPK and BPKP in managing regional finances so that they are accountable and provide optimal benefits," said Firli.

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