JAKARTA - Social Minister Tri Rismaharini confirmed that the cash social assistance (BST) from the central government as of May 2021 will be disbursed before Eid al-Fitr.

This year Eid falls on May 13, 2021. Risma said BST will be disbursed in the first week or second week of May.

"For social assistance, it will still be carried out according to schedule in that month. For May in the month of Eid, we will submit it in early May. Special for DKI Jakarta, it may be the end of the first week or the beginning of the second week", said Risma in a virtual press conference, Friday, March 26.

Meanwhile, BST from the Ministry of Social Affairs per March and April is disbursed in the fourth week of March. Not only BST, but social assistance from the central government also consists of non-cash food assistance (BPNT), as well as the Keluarga Harapan program (PKH).

Risma said all types of assistance use electronic money. The distribution is through a non-cash system through channeling banks and PT Pos. The BNPT target recipients are 18.8 million families, PKH 10 million families, and BST 10 million families.

However, currently, not all data on social assistance recipients have been owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs. This is because several local governments have not 100 percent matched data with population data.

"We have to pick up data improvements. So, in cooperation with the regions, we deploy staff to accelerate the 514 regencies and cities. We have to do this because the data that we issue must be correct", said Risma.

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