JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government officially distributes social assistance in the form of the Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ), the Jakarta Disability Card (KPDJ), and the Jakarta Children's Card (KAJ) today.

Disbursement of social assistance is issued for the first quarter of 2021, namely January, February, and March. The Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan advised that the recipients of Social Assistance can make the best use of it and be managed wisely and appropriately, thereby facilitating the basic needs of the recipients.

"This morning we as the government have a responsibility which we can partially fulfill today, namely to ensure that all citizens of Jakarta, including those with economic difficulties, get assistance so they can live a better life", said Anies in a symbolic social assistance handover on Friday, March 26.

For information, the Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ) is a program to fulfill the basic needs of elderly citizens. Cardholders receive the assistance of IDR 600 thousand every month.

Requirements for obtaining assistance are citizens aged 60 years and over, with the lowest socioeconomic status and registered in the Unified Database.

The Jakarta Disability Card Program (KPDJ) is an assistance program aimed at preventing social vulnerability for persons with disabilities in DKI Jakarta, as well as meeting their basic needs.

The Jakarta Children's Card Program is used to buy milk, nutritious food, and support children's growth and development. KAJ is given to children from underprivileged families aged 0-6 years, has a Regional NIK, resides/is domiciled in Jakarta, and is outside social institutions.

As for how to withdraw these three social assistance programs by visiting the nearest Bank DKI ATM, for residents who have obtained a Bank DKI card.

Social assistance recipients who cannot withdraw directly can provide a power of attorney and the ID cards of the grantor and recipient of the power of attorney. Meanwhile, underage social assistance recipients can be represented by parents or guardians by carrying a family card and birth certificate.

The requirements for this social assistance recipient are that they have been registered and determined in an integrated database (BDT) by having the NIK/ID for the DKI Jakarta Province. If not registered with the BDT, related parties can come to the sub-district office according to their domicile address for data collection.

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