JAKARTA - Senior campaign adviser Donald Trump said Republican presidential candidates could discuss arms control with Russia if he wins elections and makes the United States stronger through measures such as building a new missile defense system.

"President Trump believes in peace through power," Brian Hughes told TASS, when asked if the presidential candidate was interested in the new arms control deal with Russia, as reported August 21.

"He has often talked about one of the most important things to make a stronger country is to build a missile defense system that has been talked about for decades. Do it in a way that protects the American people and is built domestically and makes us stronger," he continued.

"When you reach a stronger position in the world, you can then start evaluating the level of weaponry, the level of weaponry you're talking about, but you can't start that discussion today with America in such a weak position," he explained.

"So, the first thing that has to happen in the geopolitical realm is for America's power to be recognized again. And that won't happen under Biden-Harris," he said.

When asked if Trump would be interested in signing a potential arms control deal only with Russia or would also try to get China to participate, Hughes replied: "We will not negotiate today's agreement, as I said. I mean, before you can reach a position to discuss like that, you have to reach a point where America is once again respected on the global scene, and that won't happen under Biden-Harris".

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