JAKARTA - The candidate for the Governor of Jakarta's independent path, Dharma Pongrekun, answered the labeling of the "doll candidate" to him. Dharma is considered a candidate made from the results of a particular party scenario to prevent the occurrence of empty boxes against the cagub-cawagub supporting political parties who will later register. Dharma emphasized that he had announced that he would run as a cagub of Jakarta as an individual path since February 3 or before voting for the 2024 Election until the determination of the elected President-Vice President. "We start from February 3 has already made a declaration. Meanwhile, the presidential election is only February 14. It can be described that we moved before the election victory," said Dharma when met at the DKI Jakarta KPU Office, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, August 20. However, Dharma did not want to expressly state that he and Kun Wardana, his cawagub pair, were not puppet candidates in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "I don't want to say to argue, but I say the time to answer," he said. On the one hand, Dharma defended himself on the case of a unilateral profiteering of the residents' NIK to be his supporters to register with the DKI Jakarta KPU. He claimed not to be directly involved in collecting support because it was carried out by volunteers. "If yesterday there were many phenomena of data problems, I would rather explain that we did collect the data, carried out by independent volunteers. So we did not go directly," said Dharma. Previously, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto suggested that the candidate for the Governor-Vice Governor of DKI Jakarta would be the individual path, Dharma Pongrekun-Kun Wardana as a candidate for the doll. This was revealed by Hasto during the chaos of allegations of profiteering. (NIK) a number of Jakarta residents became Dharma-Kun supporters. In fact, Hasto said, there were PDIP cadres who his NIK was also painted.
"We also see that we are identifying internally PDIP whose ID cards are used for the purpose of creating potential dolls," said Hasto at the PDIP DPP Party School, Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, Saturday, August 17. After this case was crowded, Bawaslu and the DKI Jakarta KPU only followed up. The result was that on Monday, August 19 evening, 403 NIKs were removed from the support list because they were only found to be ineligible (TMS). However, the number of Dharma-Kun supports of 677,065 still met the requirements to register at the KPU.
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