JAKARTA - The Philippines detected a new case of thempox virus in its country, the first since December last year. The Ministry of Health is waiting for test results before it can determine the variant of the virus.

The patient is a 33-year-old man who has no history of traveling outside the Philippines.

"We are waiting for the results of the sequence and will update it as it becomes available," said Philippine Health Department (DOH) spokesman Albert Domingo.

This new case in the Philippines is the 10th confirmed case of a laboratory detected by the health department. The first case occurred in July 2022.

The symptoms started more than a week ago with fever, which was followed four days later with the discovery of a clear rash on the face, back, neck, body, groin, as well as palms and feet, the Philippine DOH said.

The disease caused by the monkeypox virus causes flu-like symptoms and lesions containing pus.

This disease is usually mild but can cause death, where children, pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems, such as people with HIV, all have a higher risk of complications.

The World Health Organization (WHO) last week declaredmpox a global public health emergency, the highest form of vigilance, following an outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that has spread to neighboring countries.

The new variant of the virus has sparked global concern as the virus seems to spread easily through routine close contacts.

Kasus varian baru ini dikonfirmasi pada Kamis di Sweden dan dikaitkan dengan meningkatnya wabah di Afrika, yang merupakan tanda pertama penyebarannya di luar tersebut.

Pakistan on Friday last week confirmed one case of thempox virus in a patient who returned from the Gulf state, but said they were not aware of the strain of the virus.

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