BANDUNG - Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University (Unpad) claims that perpetrators of bullying or bullying in the Department of Operations, Saraf Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS), have been given sanctions in accordance with the level of error.

Dean of the Unpad Faculty of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Yudi Mulyana Hidayat, dr., SpOG(K)-Onk, DMAS, said that his party had terminated studies for perpetrators of bullying categorized as serious violations, namely two senior Sp1 resident.

Then, seven bullying actors with mild-moderate categories were given an extension of the study (repetition).

Then a warning letter and a warning was also given to the head of the department and the head of the Surgeon Saraf study program for the incident.

"And one lecturer who is bullying is being processed for the process of imposing severe sanctions," said Yudi.

Yudi said FK Unpad and RSHS as higher education institutions to produce quality human resources in the health sector, in an effort to increase the health level of the people in Indonesia, are very sad and concerned about the phenomenon of bullying that occurs in special education environments in Indonesia, especially in the Saraf Department of Surgery.

"Efforts to eradicate have been and continue for a long time but have not produced encouraging results, occur and happen again," he said.

Prevention and treatment efforts, said Yudi, have been carried out repeatedly. The preventive efforts made were the first to form the Disciplinary, Ethics and Anti-Violence Commission of the Faculty of Medicine-RS Hasan Sadikin.

Second, the launch of the Guidelines for the Sanctions of Violence and Bullying, third, made the Anti-Violence Integrity Pact and Bullying by each student as they entered (in the initial orientation of Education) which was signed before the Dean, Director, and sworn in.

"This means that efforts have been made by the leadership of the hospital, the Unpad Faculty of Medicine and even to the university, but incidents of bullying are still happening. But we will not tire and continue to strive to eradicate bullying in the Unpad FK environment and Hasan Sadikin Hospital," he said.

Previously, the alleged bullying in the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) was observed at Padjajaran University (Unpad) in the Hasan Sadikin Hospital (RSHS), Bandung City, West Java.

It was informed that the bullying occurred between a teaching doctor (consumen) and a student (resident).

The president director of RSHS, dr. Rachim Dinata Marsidi, said this had indeed happened, and that action had been taken against the perpetrators of bullying. He said the incident occurred in the neurosurgeon's educational environment.

"That was a few months ago. It happened (in) a neurosurgeon," said Rachim, when contacted, Friday (16/8).

Rachim said, he did not know exactly how the bullying happened. However, he made sure to eradicate bullying in the environment and protect victims.

"Well, the policy continues for a long time. We eradicate bullying. We now give a warning to the person concerned. The medical faculty has returned," he said.

Regarding the presence of other victims who report, Rachim ensures that he will provide protection for those who dare to report acts of bullying at specialist doctor education at RSHS.

In addition, Rachim guarantees that there should be no more bullying in medical specialist education, especially at RSHS. His party will apply sanctions in accordance with what the perpetrators of bullying do.

"Scors a month or two months. If it's hard, it's issued," he said.

Previously, based on data on ethical studies and bullying laws by lecturers/consulent students obtained by journalists, it was known that the case was revealed when an Unpad neurosurgeon student was in June 2024.

The student's resignation application was then clarified by the dean so that allegations of bullying were revealed in the academic environment. In the document it is known that the Ethics, Disciplinary, and Anti-Delay Committee has also carried out a series of actions including problem identification.

In the study, one of the students was known to be asked to rent a room at a hotel near RSHS for six months. In addition, they spent at least up to Rp. 65 million per person for these months for the purposes of renting the hotel room and needs up to a senior request.

The funded senior needs include entertainment (entertainment), food and drink, car rental, and wingman needs.

In addition, the document also revealed allegations of physical violence to verbal abuse from seniors against students.

In the study, the ethics committee also asked to clarify the acts of violence committed by a senior neurosurgeon related to students.

In the document, the Ethics and Law Committee concluded that the alleged bullying had violated a number of rules, including the integrity pact signed in question.

Therefore, they handed over the sanctions carried out by the Dean of FK Unpad and the Chancellor of Unpad.

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