JAKARTA - The Secretary General (Secretary General) of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, said that there would be an interesting statement or statement in the annual session delivered by the Chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani. Indra said that the appearance of this year's trial was indeed different, but the leadership of the DPR was still wearing traditional clothes like in previous years.

"If the appearance is different, but also this is the last period of executive office of the president. Later in speeches, both speeches at the annual session and in joint trial speeches, there will definitely be several statements that are quite interesting related to actual conditions. I can't mention names, but later we will follow them," said Indra at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Friday, August 16. "If the fashion, Nusantara clothing, I can't mention it, as usual. For the morning session, the DPR mother wears traditional clothes but it can't be mentioned yet," he continued. Indra ensured that all DPR RI leaders wanted Indonesia to be better and more harmonious in the future. As well as being able to accelerate development. After attending the annual session, Indra said, the leadership of the DPR will leave for the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) to attend the Independence Day ceremony. Among them are DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the NasDem Faction Rahmat Gobel and Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the PKB Faction Muhaimin Iskandar.

"There are three that have been confirmed," he said.

However, the DPR's Annual Session did not invite the President and Elected Vice President Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka for reasons of limited space.

"So for the elected president and vice president, we do not invite them considering the limitations, because today the layout of seats is different from the previous years. On the main stage, there is only the president, vice president and chairman of the session of the chairman of the MPR, DPR and DPD," he said.

"Likewise, during the day there are only presidents, vice presidents and leaders of the DPR. So if all this time the cabinet ministers are at the main stage, this will be placed in block B which has been occupied by ambassadors," concluded Indra.

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