The Task Force (Satgas) for Damai Cartenz 2024 stated that the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) of Kodap VIII Intan Jaya led by Lewis Kogoya shot a civilian in Sugapa Intan Jaya District, Central Papua to death.

Head of Damai Cartenz 2024 Operations Brigadier General Faizal Ramadhani said at 14.55 WIT in Sugapa District KKB shot Raimon Gustam Kailimang, a Tigi Jaya Permai (TJP) project worker from Makassar.

" FIRE shots were heard from the direction of Wandoga Village, and the Pasasgat personnel have flown drones to monitor the situation where the victim was seen lying in the area under the Wabu River," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 13.

According to Faizal, the victim of the KKB shooting was identified as Raimon Gustam Kailimang who suffered a gunshot wound to the head that penetrated his left ear to his right ear.

"There were also gunshot wounds to the right arm and right chest and resulted in the victim's death," he said.

Head of the Public Relations Task Force for the 2024 Cartenz Peace Operations, Kombes Bayu Suseno, explained that the shooting was carried out by the KKB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya led by Lewis Kogoya which resulted in the death of the victim.

"The one who carried out the shooting was KKB Kodap VIII Intan Jaya, Lewis Kogoya and resulted in the victim's death," he said.

He explained that on Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at around 14:55 WIT in the Wabu River, the victim Raimon Gustam Kailimang and his colleague Robi went down to the river to collect water. Arriving at the location to suck up water, suddenly a KKB member carrying a long weapon approached them.

"Based on the testimony of witnesses and the results of photo identification, the perpetrator shot the victim from a distance of about one meter, besides that he also hit Robi before fleeing towards Mount Wabuk," he said.

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