JAKARTA Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) researcher, Arya Fernandes assesses that there is a tendency for the PDI-P to head to head with the Advanced Indonesia Coalition (KIM) Plus in a number of regions in the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada.

The strong potential is in North Sumatra, then in Central Java, Bali, and North Sulawesi. In these areas, it is possible that PDIP candidates will fight with KIM Plus," he said, Sunday, August 11, 2024.

He revealed that the potential for PDIP head to head with KIM Plus can be created in areas that are the main bases of Megawati Soekarnoputri's party. This is because PDIP can nominate itself as regional head pairs.

"Therefore, there is a possibility that PDIP will fight KIM Plus in Central Java, which is quite large because PDIP gets 33 out of 120 seats in Central Java," he added.

Arya further explained that PDIP's head to head and KIM Plus also have the potential to occur in the West Java gubernatorial election, where KIM Plus will carry Dedi Mulyadi. Although, PDIP cannot carry a candidate pair alone in West Java.

"For West Java, we see that the potential is still head-to-head. So, because KIM some time ago declared Dedi Mulyadi, it is very likely that Dedi Mulyadi will versus other parties, the PDI-P could with PKS," he said.

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