JAKARTA - The Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri, said that former Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini has grown thinner since serving as Minister of Social Affairs.

He said this happened because Risma was concerned that she often saw and met abandoned children and elderly people under the bridge.

“I see, wow, how come Ms. Risma is thin, how long has it been as a minister. Eat her heart because of what? Seeing elderly people under the bridge, "he said in a speech delivered on the sidelines of the launch of the book Caring for Pertiwi which was broadcast on the PDI Perjuangan YouTube account, Wednesday, March 24.

Not only that, Megawati also said that Risma often cried when confiding in Indonesian women and children who often experienced violence in domestic life. It is not uncommon for Megawati to encourage Risma not to give up hope in solving the problem.

"How about it, ma'am? That's your job. Yes, yes, but if it's like this, then what do you do? That is our duty to save the nation's children," he said.

Regarding violence against women and children, Megawati asked them not to be silent. Including, if this violence is committed by the husband himself.

"If you train it, sir, just report it. Because the law already exists. I made the Domestic Violence Law and child protection. Don't be afraid of being divorced by your husband. Husband then what are you doing? Sorry, I'm sorry. What are you doing? The family should be protected, given health, given education, "he said.

Furthermore, he conveyed a message to his cadres. For male cadres, the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia asked them not to become perpetrators of violence.

Meanwhile, female cadres, he said, must have the courage to speak up if they experience violence. In addition, PDIP cadres must have the courage to defend if there are victims of violence in the household.

"Imagine that something is done, we should defend it. Don't let it go. Finally, I saw it on TV, because the wife had been detained, could not stand it, went berserk and the husband was killed. Wow, really Korean drama," he concluded.

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