DePOK Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (FKUI) reported that there was a relationship between the quality of drinking water with a decrease in stunting prevalence in Depok. The prevalence of stunting toddlers in Depok City in August 2023 was recorded at 3.24 percent or about 3,283 toddlers from 101,331 toddlers measured, according to Depok City Health Office data. Despite the decline, the threat of stunting in Depok is still serious, mainly because several sub-districts showed an increase in cases compared to the previous year. In an effort to suppress stunting rate, the Indonesian Hydration Working Group (IHWG) of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Indonesia (FKUI) carried out community service activities in Leuwinnggung Village, Depok, Thursday, August 8. The main focus of this activity is the importance of drinking water quality as an important factor in stunting prevention. The Chairman of IHWG FKUI, Dr Diana Sunardi, emphasized that the problem of dehydration is not only related to the amount of drinking water consumed, but also its quality. Research shows that polluted drinking water can lead to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to ensure our drinking water sources are safe and free from contamination," Diana said in a written statement received Friday, August 9. The chairman of the IHWG FKUI Community Service Program Dr Nurul Ratna Fatu Manikam added that drinking water polluted bacteria bacteria such as E. Coli or colliform could cause infectious diseases such as diarrhea. Infections that occur repeatedly without proper treatment can result in children malnourished, thereby inhibiting growth and increasing risk stunting. Home Drinking Water Quality Study Study (SKAMRT) in 2020 shows that only 31.3 percent of domestic drinking water sources in Indonesia are not polluted by E Coli bacteria. This indicates the importance of maintaining the quality of water sources and their production processes. Before choosing drinking water sources, confirming their safety and distance at least 10 meters from waste disposal sites. Also, make sure that water is odorless, colorful, or taste, as well as free of harmful chemicals and bacterial contamination,''' advise Nurul SerummentConstitution AQUA, Dr. Rosemia also supports this activity, stressing the importance of maintaining

Meanwhile, the Head of Leuwinggung Village, Titin Sumarsih, welcomed the activities attended by PKK cadres, Posyandu, Posbindu, Bunda PAUD, and PEKKA and appreciated the IHWG and FKUI teams who had provided education about the importance of drinking water quality. "We hope that cadres can forward the knowledge that has been obtained to other communities," he said.

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