The Agam Police in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) arrested two men in a drug case by securing evidence of 1 kilogram of marijuana. The arrests were made in two different locations.

Both have the initials RI (50), a resident of Pasa Maninjau, Nagari or Maninjau Village, Tanjung Raya District and YU (54) a resident of Aia Angek, Jorong Gasang, Nagari Maninjau.

"We arrested the two perpetrators at different locations in Tanjung Raya District on Tuesday (August 6) night," he said in Lubuk Basung, West Sumatra (West Sumatra), Wednesday, August 7, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said the first perpetrator who was arrested by the Republic of Indonesia with evidence of narcotics class one type of marijuana weighing 50 grams and one roll of ready-to-use marijuana.

Then the officers immediately carried out developments to the second perpetrator with the initials YU as a dealer with evidence weighing 800 grams.

"We have secured a total of about one kilogram of evidence and we have secured the perpetrator and evidence at the Agam Police Headquarters for further processing," he said.

He added that the arrests of the two perpetrators were based on reports from the surrounding community regarding the circulation of narcotics in the area.

Receiving the report, members immediately followed up on the location and secured the perpetrators.

"Hopefully, after we arrest the two perpetrators of narcotics abuse, it can reduce public unrest regarding the circulation of narcotics in the Tanjung Raya District," he said.

He admitted that YU was a recidivist in the same case. Based on the results of the interim investigation, YU got the illicit goods from a friend in the Panyabungan area, North Sumatra. This information is still being developed.

For their actions, the two perpetrators will be charged with Article 127 paragraph (1) letter a and Article 111 paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics with a maximum penalty of 12 years in prison.

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