The Panel of Judges at the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court sentenced the former Head of Mineral and Coal Affairs of the West Nusa Tenggara Province Energy and Mineral Resources Office, Trisman, to a corruption case in the iron sand mining case of PT Anugrah Mitra Graha (AMG).
"Declaring that the defendant Trisman is legally and convincingly proven to have committed a criminal act of corruption according to the alternative charges of the two public prosecutors by imposing a sentence of two years in prison," said Chief Justice Isrin Surya Kurniasih when reading the verdict at the Mataram District Court, Antara, Wednesday, August 7.
The judge also imposed a fine of Rp. 50 million, subsidiary to two months in prison and charged the defendant to pay compensation for state financial losses of Rp. 339 million, subsidiary to one year in prison.
The second alternative indictment that became the judge's reference for imposing the crime was related to accepting bribes in office in accordance with Article 11 in conjunction with Article 18 paragraph (1) letter b of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.
In the material of the verdict, the judge also explained the origin of the defendant receiving bribes in a position worth Rp659 million. The money was revealed to have come from the Head of the Branch of PT AMG East Lombok Rinus Adam Wakum and 40 other people in the period 2022 and 2024.
The details of this Rp659 million came from Rinus Adam Wakum which was sent periodically to Desna Atmi Ulfa's banking account with a total of Rp57 million and from 40 other people amounting to Rp602 million.
With the disclosure of Trisman's actions as a state civil servant receiving Rp659 million on a regular basis, both cash and transfers through bank accounts belonging to staff of the NTB ESDM Service, Desna Atmi Ulfa, the judge requested that the money be confiscated as part of the payment of compensation for state financial losses.
Regarding the handover of money from the defendant Trisman at the investigation stage to the prosecution stage with a total value of Rp320 million, the judge requested that the replacement money charged to the defendant be Rp339 million.
The verdict is similar to the demands of the previous prosecutor. Differences can only be seen from criminal penalties.
The public prosecutor previously requested that the panel of judges impose a sentence of 3 years in prison with a fine of Rp. 50 million, subsidiary to two months in prison.
The prosecutor also asked the judge to charge the defendant to pay compensation for state financial losses worth Rp339 million, subsidiary to one year in prison.
The prosecutor gave such a claim by stating that the defendant's actions were proven to have violated the second alternative indictment.
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