JAKARTA - A year ago, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has tested the manufacture of asphalt as a Formula E circuit in the National Monument (Monas) area. Until finally, DKI decided to postpone Formula E until 2022.

However, it turns out that the BUMD that operates the Formula E, PT Jakarta Propertindo has not yet decided on the exact location of the circuit.

"Currently, the location is still under consideration to several locations that have the potential to show the city branding and icons of the city of Jakarta," said PT Jakpro's Sportainment Project Director M. Maulana in his statement, Tuesday, March 23.

Continuing, the Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta admitted that currently the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is still reviewing the location of the Formula E deployment. He made sure that the organizing committee chose the best place.

"A research study is being carried out on which location is the best. Later, Jakpro, together with consultants and organizers, will convey the best place. Whether it remains at Monas or elsewhere, it will be submitted to the committee with its team and experts," said Riza.

In February 2020, there was a paving circuit in the east of the Monas area, Central Jakarta. The black asphalt is installed on natural stone (cobblestone). Paving is made with a length of 4 meters and a width of 5 meters. Thus, it does not cover the road completely, but only a part of the road size.

In the past, the determination of the location of Formula E at Monas caused problems. This polemic originated from the chaotic recommendations for the implementation of Formula E at Monas as a cultural heritage area.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan submitted the Formula E recommendation letter to the Medan Merdeka Area Steering Committee. In writing, the party providing the recommendation is the Cultural Heritage Expert Team (TACB).

In fact, TACB Chairman Mundardjito denied having made a recommendation. Anies' men also admitted their mistake because they carelessly mistyped the name of the institution. DKI Regional Secretary Saefullah said that the recommendation written should be the Restoration Session Team (TSP).

"There was a mistake from our technical team. So, when it was included in the letter format, the wrong perception was that TSP should have become TACB," said Saefullah.

Jakarta TACB Chair Mundardjito agrees with the opinion of DKI DPRD Chairman Prasetio Edi Marsudi that Monas is a national cultural heritage.

Mundardjito said, there are regulations that are higher than Kepgub No. 1443 of 2017 concerning TACB and TSP, namely Law No. 11 of 2010 concerning Cultural Heritage. In the Cultural Conservation Law, the party entitled to provide recommendations on an object of cultural heritage is TACB.

Considering that Monas is a national cultural heritage, Formula E recommendations must also be provided by the National TACB. "I think there should be a recommendation from the National TACB. But, in general, the National TACB does not make a recommendation at Monas," said Mundardjito.

That way, even though he admitted that he was not asked for a recommendation, Mundardjito firmly refused to hold Formula E at Monas.

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