BOGOR - DPRD Bogor City is currently conducting discussions on the 2025 KUA-PPAS which will later be used as a basis for discussing the 2025 APBD.

During the discussion, Deputy Chairman I of the Bogor City DPRD, Jenal Mutaqin asked the Bogor City Government to prepare a financing scheme for a nutritious food program for children.

"Because this is a major program from the central government and at the central government is also being prepared for the transition, we ask the Bogor City Government through the Health Office (Dinkes) and several other agencies to prepare schemes through the APBD," said Jenal.

Although there is still no legal basis for the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) regarding the preparation of the 2025 APBD. JM said that at least the Bogor City Government should have sounded the program within the 2025 KUA-PPAS.

Because, based on the information he received, the West Java Provincial DPRD together with the West Java Provincial Government have included the program in the 2025 West Java Provincial Budget.

"So when the Permendagri goes down, we just have to enter the numbers. So that the nutritious food program can be run in Bogor City," he explained.

Separately, a member of the Bogor City DPRD Budget Agency (Banggar), Said Muhammad Mohan, said that based on the results of a temporary meeting between the Bogor City DPRD and the Bogor City Health Office, it was known that the Bogor City Health Office had a similar program to the nutritious food program made by the President-elect Prabowo Subianto.

Mohan revealed that the program prepared by the Bogor City Health Office was part of the stunting eradication program in Bogor City which targets pregnant women and children with stunting symptoms.

"We know that at the center the APBN has sounded Rp71 trillion and that will not be able to cover everything. So the existing program of the Health Office can also be a basis, at least the title already exists," he said.

Mohan admitted that he was just waiting for an answer from the Bogor City Social Service (Dinsos), whether there was a program in the preparation of the 2025 KUA-PPAS.

So that the nutritious food program for children promoted by the Central Government can run well in Bogor City due to the synergy of various related agencies.

"We will make sure that the Bogor City Social Service also has this program so that it synergizes. So that the program can run well in 2025," he concluded.

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