The Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) of Central Java reminded the government to immediately complete the appointment of teachers as government employees with a work agreement (PPPK) in the region. "Currently, the PPPK has not been completed. At the district level which was actually completed or fulfilled in the past, it has been faced with a large retirement rate," said PGRI Central Java Chairman Muhdi in Semarang, Antara, Sunday, August 4. This was conveyed by Muhdi on the sidelines of the Conference PGRI Central Java Province (Konprov) Masa Bhakti XXIII Year 2024 which took place at Balairung University of PGRI Semarang (Upgris). For areas where the appointment of state civil servants (ASN) teachers through PPPK has not been completed, he said, it should be fulfilled immediately, such as Central Java Province, which still has many P1 teachers. P1 teachers are participants who have participated in the selection of PPPK teachers and have met the threshold value, but have not yet obtained formations. "In districts/cities continue to take advantage of this momentum so they don't Until it happens like in Jakarta, there is 'cleaning' (cleaning or dismissal of honorary teachers, ed.)," said the former Chancellor of the Upgris. "Because that can happen later. Because in the end, if there are no teachers, the school will also raise the end. If it is prohibited in time, it will be a problem. Therefore, PPPK actually one of the best ways, he said. However, he admitted that PPPK actually also has its own problems, one of which is the contract period which has been complained about so far is too short. On average, PPPK teachers are contracted with a duration of five years. "We hope that they (PPPK teachers, ed.) have been contracted for up to 60 years. We are aware that if there are violations, they will definitely be given sanctions and that's fine," he said. Muhdi added that actually the data for teachers who will retire already exists and is known so that the step to fill the void can be done long ago. "It doesn't happen again, there is an empty receipt (when, ed.). It will continue to be routine, yes, every year it is empty, it should be filled. Next year it will be empty, for example retiring. So, this year (the replacement teacher, ed.) comes in," he said. If such management is not carried out, he said, then the old problem will be repeated, namely the large number of honorary teachers. "If not done,'manage' like that, then later there will be many honorary teachers. They must be accepted, even though they realize the selection is not very good. But, they have served," he said. The issue of the welfare of teachers, including PPPK teachers who have not finished, is one of the discussions in the Central Java PGRI Conprov Masa Bhakti XXIII in 2024.
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