TARAKAN - Deputy Head of the North Kalimantan Regional Police (Wakapolda), Brigadier General Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi, S.H., S.I.K., M.H., together with Director of Security and Security of the North Kalimantan Regional Police, Kombes Pol. Joko Bintoro, S.H, S.I.K, M.H., Kapolres Tarakan, AKBP Adi Saptia Sudirna, and Kapolsek Tarakan Barat, IPTU Sri Djayanti Madogo, S.Tr.K., visited mangrove and proboscis monkey conservation sites in Tarakan, North Kalimantan (Kaltara) on Sunday, 4 August. The visit aimed to review efforts to conserve mangrove ecosystems and protect proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus), endangered primates endemic to Borneo.

Brig. Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi explained that mangrove forests in Tarakan have a vital role in maintaining the balance of coastal ecosystems. Mangroves protect the coastline from erosion, storms and tsunamis, and provide habitat for various species of fish, birds and other animals. In addition, mangroves help maintain water quality by filtering pollutants and maintaining the balance of the aquatic ecosystem.

"Mangrove conservation is essential to ensure the sustainability of coastal ecosystems and biodiversity in Tarakan. We will continue to support this conservation effort through various programs and cooperation with various parties," said Brig. Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi at the mangrove conservation site, Tarakan, Kaltara.

Brig. Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi reviews mangrove and proboscis monkey conservation (Doc. Ist)

Proboscis monkeys, an endemic primate of Borneo, are highly dependent on mangrove forests for their survival. Their species is the main focus of conservation programs in Tarakan.

The animal, which is also an icon of  Jakarta Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, is a protected endangered species. Conservation efforts include habitat protection, mangrove forest rehabilitation, research and monitoring of proboscis monkey populations, as well as education and public awareness.

"Through cooperation with various parties, including the government, NGOs, academics, and local communities, we are working to maintain and increase the proboscis monkey population. Education to the community is also very important to raise awareness of the importance of proboscis monkey conservation," added Brig. Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi.

Mangrove and proboscis monkey conservation efforts in Tarakan face various challenges, including mangrove land conversion for agriculture and development, illegal hunting of proboscis monkeys, and pollution from industrial and household activities. However, various initiatives have been undertaken to overcome these challenges, such as the establishment of conservation areas, mangrove rehabilitation projects, and wildlife protection campaigns.

"Collaboration between the government, NGOs and communities is needed to overcome these conservation challenges. With continuous efforts and solid cooperation, we are optimistic that mangrove and proboscis monkey conservation in Tarakan will succeed," concluded Brig. Pol. Golkar Pangarso Rahardjo Winarsadi.

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