Jakarta - General Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI), Hendry Ch Bangun gave a firm statement to a handful of PWI administrators who brought up the discourse of the Extraordinary Congress (KLB). According to him, the action was illegal and violated the PWI Basic Rules/Household Regulations (PD/PRT).

These individuals interpret PD/PRT only for the needs of their group. This undermines the PWI organization. They manage the Provincial PWI Management as the legal vote holder. Regarding the person who uses the PWI letterhead, I emphasize that it is illegal. Those who have the right to use the Kop and stamp of the Central PWI are only the Bandung congressmen," said Hendry in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday (4/8/2024).

The KLB, which was widely discussed, carried out a discourse to replace the General Chair. The secretary-general of the two periods in the leadership of General Chair Margiono saw that the issue was tooulant.

"Don't force your will by rolling out various issues that make a lot of noise. PWI Province has a valid voice that can determine who the next General Chair is. Follow the organizational mechanism once every 5 years. You are old and have been administrators for a long time but don't set a good example for prospective PWI leaders in the future. The discourse that was made was only to destroy PWI's big house as the oldest and largest journalist organization in Indonesia," said Hendry.

Hendry said that PD/PRT ordered as the mandater the General Chairperson of the Central PWI to have the prerogative to determine, select, appoint and dismiss personnel of the Daily Management and sign letters on behalf of the Central PWI.

"I signed the Decree to appoint central management personnel starting from the Honorary Council, Advisory Board, Daily Management, then ratified it to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. I also inaugurate and inaugurate it", he said.

Regarding the circulation of a circular using a letterhead PWI, Hendry explicitly said that the valid Central PWI letter was signed by General Chair Hendry Ch Bangun and Secretary General Iqbal Irsyad.

"So I emphasize, I as the General Chair signed and inaugurated Sasongko Tedjo (Chairman of the Honorary Council) and Ilham Bintang (Chairman of the Advisory Board). Their statements and circulars were issued on behalf of PWI, I affirmed that it was not organizationalally legal. Meanwhile, Zulmansyah (Sekedang) was fired after being proven to have violated the PD/PRT which was ratified in a plenary meeting," he said.

Hendry was legally elected as the General Chair of the Central PWI for the period 2023-2028 after getting the most votes at the PWI XXV Congress in Bandung, West Java, September 27, 2023. In the democratic election, Hendry defeated the incumbent Atal S Depari in two rounds.

Hendry also reminded that Sasongko Tedjo was elected as Chairman of the Honorary Council for his initiative after his appointment as General Chair. The Provincial PWI responded to Hendry's proposal so that it was declared by acclamation.

I was the first to propose and offer (Sasongko) Tedjo to be the Chairman of the Honorary Council. So if his claim is that Sasongko Tedjo won in the election it is a big mistake. There is a track record.

Quoting the statement of a senior journalist who is also the former Minister of BUMN Dahlan Iskan, the Honorary Council is the conscience of the profession. Not the most votes. DK is the highest ethical guard in a profession, not the most funnels. It feels like it's time for the composition of the Honorary Council officials not to be elected based on the most votes.

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