JAKARTA - Deputy for Social Culture for Empowerment of the Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) Alimudin said that his party was preparing a roadmap for education to create a competent generation at IKN, towards Indonesia Emas 2045.
"On our education roadmap, we educate the little children, if it's my age let it go as it is, but the younger generations must be filled because they are the owners of the upcoming national policy," Alimudin said at the ASN Festival 2024, in Jakarta, Saturday.
According to him, Indonesia currently does not have a road map for education, because every five years it often changes the curriculum.
Alimudin also highlighted the abolition of majors carried out by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Nadiem Anwar Makarim. According to him, this is appropriate in order to adjust the capabilities of the nation's generation.
"Yesterday, the Minister removed the (IPA/IPS) major, on our roadmap, even if necessary in elementary school there are only five subjects. Why are we forced to have nine subjects, all of them are told to be smart, even though we are unique as humans who are born have their own talents," he said.
He added that the Independent Learning Program was very good, although its implementation still needed to be improved. Alimudin emphasized the importance of a roadmap for education to support the interests and talents of the nation's children.
"How is it possible for children who don't like fried rice to be forced to eat fried rice, or those who don't like mathematics to be forced to learn mathematics? In fact, they may have higher motor intelligence or art. This is what we have to improve," he also said.
Alimudin also mentioned that international schools such as Bina Bangsa School and Jakarta International School already exist and are being built at IKN. The government is improving the potential and quality of teachers in schools outside the core area of the government center.
"We want to ensure that the needs of residents in the fields of health and education are well served. Currently, there are more unemployed vocational high school graduates than high school graduates, even though they have received vocational education. Therefore, they are equipped with skills according to their interests," he said.
In addition, he highlighted the labor acceptance system which also needs to be changed. In Indonesia, educational qualifications are often prioritized over skills.
"This mindset must be changed. At IKN, as a futuristic capital city and a world city, we must prioritize skills," he said again.
He also stated that he agreed with Vice President Ma'ruf Amin that education should not be a top priority. However, the labor recruitment system prioritizes skills.
"So this is important for us to change our mindset of thinking, then IKN's mindset as a futuristic state capital and a world city for all of us," he said.
Previously, the Head of the Center for Standards and Education Policy of the Standard, Curriculum, and Education Assessment (BSKAP) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Irsyad Zamjani, said that the roadmap for education at IKN supports schools that are inclusive and diverse.
"As a center of civilization, IKN should provide an example of quality education to develop there. The education roadmap at IKN supports the climate of inclusive schools and supports diversity, with teachers who also continue to work together to improve their quality, school, and students," said Irsyad in a discussion with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) which was participated in on the network in Jakarta, Monday (29/7).
According to him, education at IKN needs very mature preparation, because this aspect is the main capital to realize the maximum development of the nation, so schools in IKN must be an example of quality education.
He explained that education at IKN must be able to realize idealized schools, which emphasize three aspects, namely learning centered on students, a safe, inclusive school climate, and celebrating diversity, and educators who are reflective, fond of learning, sharing, and collaborating.
"These three things need to be supported by leadership for continuous service improvement, so that they can create students who have the competence and character of Pancasila," he also said.
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