JAKARTA - As many as 13 violators of Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2007 concerning public order (Perda Tibum) who were secured in Operation Bina Tertib Praja underwent guidance by being given education by officers of the Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP) Pulogadung District.

"Of the 13 people who were successfully reached, 7 of them were traffic controllers without authority or often called sir reluctant, 3 were homeless and 3 were hawkers," said Head of Satpol PP Pulogadung District, Andik Sukaryanto, Friday, August 2.

Furthermore, 13 people who were arrested were trained in the form of education that their actions had violated Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2007. They were also given a warning letter.

Andik said that the Tertib Praja Bina Operation which will be held until August 31 was carried out in order to maintain peace and public order in the Jakarta area, especially in the Pulogadung District.

"We carried out the Tertib Praja operation to maintain peace and public order in Jakarta, especially the Pulogadung District," he said.

Andik explained that the Operation Bina Tertib Praja was carried out by prioritizing a polite and humanist approach.

"A polite and humane approach must be carried out by members in this operation," he said.

If repeated violations are found, the officers will take them to the social service to be given a light criminal sanction (Tipiring).

Andik explained, Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2007 concerning Public Order in Chapter II Article 7 reads that any person or group of people who do not have the authority is prohibited from regulating traffic at crossroads, bends or turns of the road with the intention of getting a reward or service.

In Chapter VIII Article 40, continued Andik, regulating the provisions of every person or body is prohibited from becoming beggars, buskers, hawkers and car racers. Ordered others to become beggars, buskers, hawkers, and car racers.

Buy to hawkers or give some money or goods to beggars, buskers and car drivers.

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