Inaugurate The Implementation Of National E-TLE Phase 1, National Police Chief Listyo Sigit: Prevent Community And Police Friction On The Road
National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo (Photo: ANTARA)

JAKARTA - National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, inaugurated the first phase of the national electronic traffic law enforcement (e-TLE) application. At least, 12 Polda throughout Indonesia have implemented this electronic enforcement system.

In his remarks, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the application of e-TLE aims to increase public awareness in driving. In addition, this system is also to monitor driver behavior.

"Why are we doing this? This is part of our efforts to improve security, safety, order and smooth traffic programs, of course there needs to be law enforcement efforts so that the process of implementing the activities of road users can truly be disciplined, can prioritize safety and "Of course we respect other people who are fellow road users," said General Listyo

In addition, the implementation of e-TLE also aims to prevent abuse of authority by members of the National Police. This is because this system reduces the opportunity for motorists to come into direct contact with officers.

"On the police side, the Etle program is part of us to enforce the law by utilizing information technology. We continue to improve the system so that in the future police law enforcement, especially road traffic, does not need to interact directly with the community, "

"We often get complaints related to the problem of the ticketing process carried out by several unscrupulous members, which then has the potential for abuse of authority," he explained.

The e-TLE system, said Listyo, can take action against 10 traffic violations including traffic light violations, road markings violations, odd-even violations, violations using cell phones, violations against the flow, violations of not using helmets, violations of the validity of STNK, violations of not using seat belts. and violations of restrictions on certain types of vehicles.

In addition, the e-TLE system can also support evidence of accidents and non-crime cases on the highway by using the face recognition technology that is already in the Etle system.

In addition, the Police Traffic Police Head Inspector General Istiono said that he would complete the National Police Chief program to implement e-TLE in 34 Polda. Later, the e-TLE system will be integrated from the Polres, Polda to Korlantas Polri levels.

"Concentration for the first phase will of course be followed up with the second launching. We will build it in the next 10 Polda, which we plan to launch around April 28th, we will officially launch the second one, we will do it gradually, "said Inspector General Istiono.

"Technically, in the field, we will continue to work to complete this program in stages until all 34 regional police are installed. At all points we need to install Etle, of course, based on our mapping and analysis. Which point is the most crucial and we need to install e-TLE there, ”he continued.

Later, the e-TLE system can detect all two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles that do not comply with traffic rules. Therefore, the expectation of public awareness of obeying traffic is getting higher

"All vehicles that violate the point of taking a photo, taking a photo, want a special number, any number, using the TNI number are taken. If the TNI later confirms its affairs to our friends, we have collaborated on the mechanisms for TNI friends, there is confirmation there, "he said.

The event was attended by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Muhammad Syarifuddin and the Attorney General TB. Hassanudin who participated in the signing of the law enforcement Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU).

Menpan RB Tjahjo Kumolo, Head of Bappenas Suharso Manoarfa, Director of Jasa Raharja Budi Raharjo and several representatives of other agencies also attended. Dirlantas ranks throughout Indonesia are also present virtually.

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