Polda Metro Jaya thwarted the circulation of 12 kilograms of marijuana which used a disguised mode in cardboard containing salted fish.

Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Bariu Bawanga said that in this case one person with the initials W (23) was secured in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta, on July 28.

"The evidence of 12 kilograms of marijuana was secured wrapped in duct tape. Now as a suspect, we have secured it at Polda Metro Jaya," Bariu told reporters, Tuesday, July 30.

The disclosure of the case began when there was information about drug transactions. Then, it was followed up with a series of investigation steps.

From this information, W was arrested who was the courier of the dozens of kilograms of marijuana packages.

When secured, the marijuana was stored by W in cardboard. Then, stacked with salted fish so that it is not detected.

"The evidence is coated with camouflage in the form of anchovy or salted fish. So the evidence is stored under the dried food," he said.

From the results of the interim investigation, the dozens of kilos of marijuana came from Medan, North Sumatra. The plan, will be circulated in Jakarta and several other cities.

"So the goods are planned based on the information we are investigating to be circulated in the Jabodetabek area," said Bariu.

Currently, development continues to be carried out in order to capture the owner of the dozens of kilograms of marijuana.

Suspect W will be charged under Article 114 paragraph 2 subsidiary Article 111 paragraph 2 of the Narcotics Law.

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