SOLO - Sebelas Maret University (UNS) Surakarta responded to the arrival of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) officers to the campus in Solo, Central Java.

Deputy Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs of UNS Prof. Ahmad Yunus said the arrival of KPK officers had something to do with the acceptance of new students.

"As far as I know, the Faculty of Medicine wants to ask how much capacity, what path selection, how much UKT," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 30.

In addition, what was also asked was the amount of institutional development contributions (IPI) imposed on students.

"Was there a big one in the past, especially this is just medicine," he said.

Ahmad Yunus said some other information about student quotas, entry tests, single tuition fees (UKT) models imposed on students.

"What kind of institutional development donation, how to determine UKT," he said.

Related to this, he ensured that no searches were carried out by KPK officers while on the UNS campus.

"Not a search," he said.

The deputy chancellor said that the KPK officers were on the campus not too long, which was about two hours.

"It's been a while, just asking questions. 1-2 hours is over. This morning, I met only in medicine with the medical dean," he said.

Ahmad Yunus ensured that the KPK's arrival was not only to the UNS campus but also to several other universities in Indonesia.

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