BOGOR - Bogor City Government, West Java through the local Health Office launched the Primary Service Integration Program (ILP) in all Puskesmas, Labkesda, auxiliary Puskesmas, and Posyandu. Head of the Bogor City Health Office Sri Nowo Retno said that the Primary Service transformation was the first pillar in Indonesia's health transformation, where in its implementation it had a focus on strengthening promotive preventive activities to create more healthy people, improve health screening and increase primary service capacity. This was stated in the decision of the Head of the Bogor City Health Office Number: 400.7/2073-Dinkes/IV/2024 concerning the Implementation Team for Primary Health Service Implementation of the Bogor City Health Office, establishing simultaneous implementation of Primary Services in all health centers and labkesda in Bogor City. The launch was held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at Paseban Sri Baduga, Bogor City Hall attended by PJ Mayor of Bogor, Hery Antasari and Director of Gizi KIA Ministry of Health dr. Lovely Daisy, as well as the Head of Public Health of the West Java Provincial Health Office Drg. Emma rachmawaty.

Selain itu juga dihadiri Sekretaris Daerah Kota Bogor Syarifah Sofiah, Direktur 22 RS di Kota Bogor, Kepala OPD, Seluruh Kepala Puskesmas dan Labkesda di Kota Bogor, Seluruh Camat serta Seluruh Lurah se-Kota Bogor.Tahapan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bogor yakni Pembentukan Tim ILP Dinkes, Advokasi Lintas Sektor, Sosialisasi ILP untuk seluruh pegawai Dinkes, Puskesmas dan Labkesda, dilaksanakan secara hybrid serial, Workshop ILP, Bimtek ILP per cluster, Internalisasi dan The establishment of ILP Commitments at the Puskesmas, the Establishment of Cross-Sector Commitments at the Sub-District and Sub-District Levels, Cadre Training, and ILP-oriented SIMPUS Development. The Head of Public Health of the West Java Provincial Health Office, Emma, said that the importance of support from the City Government was to realize the perfect implementation of ILP. One of the strengthening of maternal and child health services in West Java Province is also strengthened by the ANC program and stunting prevention. West Java Provincial Health Office giving appreciation and congratulating the Bogor City Government for implementing ILP in all Puskesmas, exceeding the targets set in West and National Java.. But Bogor City is able to commit to the implementation of 100 percent ILP in all Puskesmas, Labkesda, Community Health Centers, and Posyandu. With ILP, it is hoped that healthy people will stay healthy, not only treat sick, so that they can have better quality of life and be more productive. Furthermore, lantas Lovely, Ministry of Health hopes that after launching can directly implement Primary Service Integration and the addition of auxiliary health centers so that services can reach the entire community. Acting Mayor of Bogor Hery is of the view that the implementation of primary service integration is not only a responsibility of the sector health, but support from all sectors, starting from the planning, implementation stage, to monitoring and evaluation. According to him, cross-sectoral support related, including regulatory and budget support from the Bogor City DPRD, is very necessary. To the ranks of the Health Office, Health Center, Labkesda, all health facilities, they are asked to prepare good planning to carry out this ILP, carry out Sustainable and comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation. DATA is an important thing need to be updated regularly. No data, no results. Bad data, bad results. good data, good results," he said. Hery also conveyed the importance of digitizing and disseminating information widely through social media related to the performance carried out. PJ Mayor of Bogor officially launched Primary Service Integration.

As a series of ILP launch events, the West Java Provincial Health Office directly reviewed the readiness to one of the puskesmas, namely the UPTD of the Gang Kelor Health Center. The visit is included with a simulation of the puskesmas (Simpus) information system and reviewing infrastructure that supports the running of the ILP. The joint hope in the implementation of the ILP in Bogor City is that the implementation is carried out properly and monitoring of periodic evaluations to improve service quality. The ILP launch event is also accompanied by the signing of a joint agreement between the Bogor City Government and all hospitals in Bogor City concerning Health Services Cooperation. Bogor City.

The purpose of this joint agreement is to improve the institutional relationship of the parties in bonds that provide a sense of security and legal certainty related to the cooperation of Bogor City health services. The scope of the joint agreement includes the implementation of regional health insurance, referral services, disease prevention, surveillance, environmental health and work health, stunting and waste management, maternal health, adolescent health and the elderly, fulfillment of health human resources, medical supplies, and the manufacture and dissemination of health promotional media.

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