The NTB Regional Police confirmed that the investigation into the alleged violation of the Electronic Information and Transaction Law with the suspect, a student of field work practices who claimed to be a victim of harassment by hotel managers in North Lombok Regency was still ongoing. "The ITE case is still ongoing, it will continue," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Rio Indra Lesmana in Mataram, Antara, Friday, July 26. The determination of a student with the initials CM as a suspect in the alleged violation of the ITE Law from the hotel manager's report with the initials AK has targeted evidence, one of which is expert information. "So, from the expert's statement, it has been stated that there are indications (the suspect) brought down (the reporter)," he said. Rio said investigators are now completing the filing needs. When it is completed, investigators will follow up on stage one, namely the transfer of files to the research prosecutor. The alleged harassment case that CM reported again with the reported AK to the North Lombok Police is now entering the investigation stage. At this stage, investigators have not revealed the suspect's role. "Indeed, an investigation has been launched, the investigation is still ongoing," said Head of the North Lombok Police Satreskrim Iptu Ghufron Subeki. Previously, North Lombok Police investigators had stopped handling cases originating from CM's report taking into account the lack of evidence. This evidence is related to the statements of the reporter who claims to be a victim of harassment, none of which is in accordance with the testimony of witnesses. Likewise with the results of the CCTV footage examination at AK's hotel where CM is undergoing street vendors. The police did not find any scene of AK's act of harassment against CM. After hearing the termination of the handling of the report, CM was revealed to have vented his disappointment by uploading several statuses on his personal social media. The sentence uploaded in social media status seemed to corner AK for alleged harassment.
Because of the upload, AK as the hotel manager where the victim underwent street vendors reported the victim to the NTB Regional Police for alleged violations of the ITE Law.

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