JAKARTA - Today, Monday, March 22, is the announcement of the results of the 2021 State University National Entrance Exam (SNMPTN).
This announcement can be accessed on the LTMPT page at https://penglikasi-snmptn.ltmpt.ac.id/.
In addition, the announcement can be accessed on 27 other mirror pages which are the pages of a number of universities.
The mirror page is displayed as a subdomain of the State Universities (PTN) site that has been appointed by the SNMPTN committee.
The way to check is to use the student's registration number and date of birth.
To be able to open this page, make sure students are using a stable device and connection.
Here is a list of links to see the announcement of the 2021 SNMPTN results:
1. https://snmptn.ipb.ac.id
2. https://snmptn.isbi.ac.id
3. https://snmptn.itb.ac.id
4. https://snmptn.itk.ac.id
5. https://snmptn.its.ac.id
6. https://snmptn.ugm.ac.id
7. https://snmptn.ui.ac.id
8. https://snmptn.ulm.ac.id
9. https://snmptn.unair.ac.id
10. https://snmptn.unand.ac.id
11. https://snmptn.undip.ac.id
12. https://snmptn.unesa.ac.id
13. https://snmptn.unhas.ac.id
14. https://snmptn.unimal.ac.id
15. https://snmptn.unm.ac.id
16. https://snmptn.unnes.ac.id
17. https://snmptn.unp.ac.id
18. https://snmptn.unpad.ac.id
19. https: //snmptn.unram.ac.id
20. https://snmptn.unsrat.ac.id
21. https://snmptn.unsri.ac.id
22. https://snmptn.unsyiah.ac.id
23. https://snmptn.untan.ac.id
24. https://snmptn.untirta.ac.id
25. https://snmptn.uny.ac.id
26. https://snmptn.upnjatim.ac.id
27. https://snmptn.usu.ac.id
28. https://snmptn.ut.ac.id
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