JAKARTA - Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) has become the President Commissioner of Pertamina. He will be the supervisor of the institution that deals with oil.

Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) researcher Abra El Talattov said Ahok's challenge at Pertamina was to prove the existence of the oil and gas mafia (Migas).

According to Abra, Ahok can start investigating the whereabouts of the oil and gas mafia through the results of the report by the anti-oil and gas mafia task force that was submitted to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) some time ago.

"There is a public expectation that Pak Ahok can eradicate the oil and gas mafia. Are you still wondering who and where? We are challenging Pak Ahok. Do you want and dare to follow up on the report from the oil and gas mafia team, to find out what the practice is. Is the oil and gas mafia still around or not? " he said, when contacted by VOI, in Jakarta, Monday, November 25.

The existence of this oil and gas mafia needs to be proven so that the public does not have bad prejudices against Pertamina. That way, Pertamina can concentrate on developing its business. Therefore, it is Ahok's job to eradicate the existence of the oil and gas mafia.

"Watching this issue with stakeholders. Because the one who takes the policy is not the commissioner, but from the government side, the regulator in this case is the Ministry of BUMN. Pak Ahok cannot execute but together can push this issue to be resolved," he said.

Ahok, said Abra, had a firm character while leading DKI. He hoped that Ahok's attitude could be brought to Pertamina to reveal this.

"Maybe from the character (Ahok) it can be taken, although it could lead to involvement in circles of power. Do not choose to choose," he said.

Abra assessed that Ahok could do three tasks for Pertamina. First, increasing Pertamina's oil and gas product production from the upstream side. Second, to encourage Pertamina to immediately complete the development program and manufacture of an oil refinery. Moreover, currently Pertamina has six oil refineries.

"Four are old, two are new. Of the six refineries, not one has finished yet, so we are still progressing. We hope that Pak Ahok can encourage the board of directors and staff to complete the construction and development process," he explained.

Meanwhile, the third, said Abra, Ahok must support encouraging this bio-diesel program so that it can be maximized. Although there is no import of diesel fuel, this is so that the use of bio diesel can be more massive.

Member of Commission VI Achmad Baidowi said that the appointment of Ahok as Pertamina's main commissioner was expected to improve the company's performance related to the life of the oil and gas sector.

According to Baidowi, the commissioner domain is not a technical one. So what is needed is the ability to supervise and internal audit to nourish BUMN business performance.

Not only exposing the oil and gas mafia, Commission VI hopes that Ahok can use his position to supervise and solve problems at Pertamina, such as the oil and gas mafia, which so far have not been resolved.

"Yes, one of them (exposing the oil and gas mafia). Including overseeing the acceleration of the manufacture of oil refineries, the balance of exports and imports Ahok's experience in Jakarta in terms of transparency can be transmitted," he said.

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