MEDAN - Director of the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Medan who is also the attorney for the son of the late Perfect Pasaribu, Irvan Saputra revealed that there was an alleged involvement of TNI personnel with the initials Corporal One (Koptu) HB in the alleged criminal case of burning the perfect Pasaribu house.

This was confirmed after investigators from the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the North Sumatra Police together with the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tanah Karo Police held a reconstruction of the burning of the Perfect Pasaribu house.

In the second scene at the first location of reconstruction, it was revealed that Koptu HB, who demonstrated a substitute role, ordered the Ginting Free suspect to contact the late Perfect Pasaribu. The communication is related to an article uploaded by Perfect Pasaribu.

This is what confirms that Koptu HB is suspected of being involved in the burning of the Perfect Pasaribu house.

"The fact is that in the reconstruction there was an order from HB to B to find Perfect Pasaribu related to the upload. However, at that time B said he had not met," said Irvan.

He explained that HB again asked about B's meeting with Perfect. In the reconstruction, it was also revealed that Perfect admitted to having met B. However, this was denied by B.

"The last order to B was mentioned that he (Sempurna Pasaribu) quickly encountered the alleged upload. This is a new finding that clearly has a connection with the perfect news of Pasaribu," he said.

Irvan asked the POM Kodam Satu Bukit Barisan and PUS POM AD to immediately check the HB Koptu. The family and LBH Medan believe that the Koptu HB personnel were involved in the burning case of the Pasaribu perfect house.

"LBH Medan firmly and KKJ asked the Bukit Barisan Pomdam I Puspom AD to no longer linger and call HB regarding the alleged crime because we believe that TNI members are involved in this case," he explained.

Irvan emphasized that the three suspects arrested by the North Sumatra Police were not the main perpetrators but the people who were ordered by the main perpetrators of the burning of the Perfect Pasaribu house which killed Perfect Pasaribu, her wife, children, and grandchildren.

"These three people (suspects) are the ones who were ordered to kill Perfect Pasaribu and her family," he explained.

The three suspects are Yunus Saputra Tarigan, Rudi Apri Sembiring, and Ginting Free.

Earlier on Thursday last week, the biological son of the late Perfect Pasaribu together with the Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Medan and the North Sumatra Journalists Safety Committee (KKJ) visited the Military Police Headquarters of Kodam I Bukit Barisan located in the Jalan Sena area, East Medan District, Medan City, North Sumatra.

The arrival of the biological child of Perfect Pasaribu with LBH Medan and KKJ North Sumatra to submit evidence related to the alleged involvement of TNI personnel in the murder case of Tribrata TV journalists, Perfect Pasaribu, and undergo further investigation.

A number of evidences submitted, starting from evidence of gambling practices allegedly belonging to TNI personnel and evidence of conversations between TNI personnel and editor-in-chief who asked for a takedown in the news written by the victim.

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