JAKARTA - Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) emphasized that the leadership of the DPR RI has issued a permit to the Special Committee for Hajj Supervision to hold a meeting in the middle of a recess.
However, Cak Imin realized that many members of the Indonesian House of Representatives were visiting the people in their respective electoral districts. So, that's what makes the Hajj Special Committee not yet scheduled a meeting.
"Basically, I have signed the permit for the meeting. The meeting may be waiting for more friends in the area because of the recess. I hope that if this reset is busy, the time is set," said Cak Imin in Central Jakarta, Sunday, July 21.
If the work of the Hajj Special Committee is already underway, Cak Imin ensures that they will focus on alleged violations of the law in organizing the pilgrimage.
"It will be handled directly by the Special Committee for Countermeasures. The special committee will focus on visas that are not appropriate according to the law. Focus on it," said Cak Imin.
On the one hand, until now there has been no decision who will be the chairman of the Hajj Special Committee. Cak Imin emphasized that he did not interfere in determining the chairman.
"They are still in their internal process. I am no longer participating. The leadership fully surrenders who will be the leadership of the Special Committee," said the General Chairperson of the PKB.
It is known that the Special Committee for Hajj Hajj in the DPR was officially formed on July 9 through a Plenary Meeting chaired by the Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI, Muhaimin Iskandar. All factions have agreed and have sent the names of members of the cross-commission faction who were sent to become members of the Hajj budget special committee.
Referring to Article 189 of the DPR RI Regulation on Order, the budget committee is given a maximum of 60 days to work starting from the formation of the picket committee.
However, the inaugural meeting of the DPR's Special Committee for Hajj Angkat was canceled. Originally, the election meeting and the determination of the leadership of the Hajj Special Committee would be held at 13.00 WIB today. However, because none of the DPR leaders could attend, this afternoon's meeting had to be postponed.
"Yes, that's right (delayed, ed). So I received an invitation, yesterday the day after tomorrow, the invitation was that today at 13.00 WIB there was a special committee leadership election meeting. So, but it's at 1 on July 17 today, then after one day there was a notification that according to the direction of the DPR leadership, tomorrow's Special Committee leadership election meeting, Wednesday was postponed. Until an undetermined time later, "said Member of Commission VIII DPR, Wisnu Wijaya when contacted, Wednesday, July 17.
Wisnu revealed that some members of the Angket Haji Special Committee had left their constituency to attend a meeting at the DPR. It is known that the DPR is currently entering a recess.
"Finally, I asked in other member groups because some of them have been close to Jakarta from the electoral district, including today I just landed from the electoral district because yesterday there was a kunker. So if you look back, it seems that because this meeting must be chaired directly by the leadership of the DPR, maybe some or almost some of them have not been able to attend that day, so it has been postponed," explained the Central Java electoral district legislator.
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