JAKARTA - Former Deputy Chairman of the Gerindra Party, Arief Poyuono, is still pushing for a change in the presidential term into three periods. This can be changed in the amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Poyuono is pushing for amendments to be revised before President Joko Widodo finishes taking office in 2024. He admits that he wants Jokowi to run again as a presidential candidate for the third time.

"I really want to find a face. I want to take Pak Jokowi. I am looking for a face, as a people, I show Jokowi that you have to save this country. You need to return for a period," Poyuono said in a virtual discussion, Saturday, March 20. .

According to Poyuono, the provisions for the maximum presidential term set by the MPR while still being chaired by Amien Rais were incorrect. This is because Amien has copied the rules from the United States.

In fact, said Poyuono, the United States is a developed country whose economy is already stable. In contrast to Indonesia. Then, America also only has two parties, namely Democrats and Republicans.

"Obviously, Mas Amien Rais is copying and pasting from the United States. But I never thought what impact it would have for our country with a political and economic landscape that is different from America's. America only has two parties, in Indonesia we know which party it is. sacks, "he said.

It is known, Amien Rais raised the issue of extending the presidential term of 3 for this period. The former chairman of the MPR suspects that there will be a scenario to change the provisions in the 1945 Constitution regarding the term of office of the president from two terms to three terms.

According to Amien, the plan to amend these provisions will be carried out by holding a Special Session of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) to amend or amend the 1945 Constitution.

Amien claimed to have received political signals related to the scenario that is being carried out by a number of parties to do this. One of them is through political maneuvers currently carried out by the government by securing all state institutions, starting from the DPR, MPR, DPD, and other state institutions.

"So now there is a kind of public opinion, which at first was vague but now it is increasingly clear which direction Jokowi's regime is going. So they will take the first step to ask for a special session of the MPR, which may be one or two articles which he said need to be corrected, which I also need. I don't know, but later it will be offered and then give the president the right to be elected three times, now if this is really their wish, "said Amien via YouTube Channel Amien Rais Official which was uploaded at 20.00 WIB, Saturday, March 13.

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