JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P (PDIP) DPP for Health, Ribka Tjiptaning, highlighted health problems in the country. He even touched on the problem of expensive drugs and most of them were still imported.

This was conveyed by him during a Coordination Meeting for Health at the PDIP DPP office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, July 18. Ribka said the high price of drugs should make the country more independent.

"We are also still having problems with drugs. We have to start looking and leaving the drug from western culture. We are starting to be independent," said Ribka as quoted from her written statement.

"Masak kita sudah kebebasan sejumlah puluh tahun paracetamol saja masih impor," sambungnya.

Not only that, another problem in the health sector faced by Indonesia is related to doctors, health workers to the law. One of the things that was mentioned by the DPR member of the PDIP faction was the incident when the patient was rejected by the regional general hospital (RSUD).

This incident, continued Ribka, became a sign of the need for education and socialization in the health sector. "The hospital is funded by the state but it is the rejection of patients that occur at the hospital that gets a budget from the government," he said.

This condition made PDIP launch the Health Sovereignty Forum. This activity will later become a discussion.

Then also launched a healthy anti-stunting kitchen (dahsat). Ribka said, nutrition problems are indeed the focus of this party bearing the bull symbol.

The coordination meeting was attended by PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri online. Meanwhile, PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto attended directly with other internal parties.

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