JAKARTA - The struggle against the COVID-19 pandemic continues throughout the world. Story after story was lifted up during the struggle. One of them is that of a number of people in Hungary.

Milan Varga was initially confused when COVID-19 broke out in his territory in Budapest. The business he has built for three years is in danger of collapsing as his customers continue to decline amidst the lockdown policy set by the authorities since Tuesday, March 17.

However, life is not just about money and material gain. Varga realized that giving benefits is the essence. He also moved to distribute free pizza to parents who were isolating themselves at home, social distancing.

The 20-year-old man said, "If I can't sell pizza, at least I can help those in need by giving them free pizza. And so I try to keep and make sure they stay indoors," he said, Tuesday. , March 24th.

Not only Varga. Another kindness was shown by the members of the Facebook group "Budapest Airbnb Community for the Health Workers", amounting to 1,200 people. They offered their apartment to medical personnel who wanted to self-isolate to protect their families.

"We think that they (medical personnel) should be helped. Because they are at the forefront of fighting COVID-19. You see, that's what we can do to help them," said Viktoria Hojer-Szabo, who owns three Airbnb flats. in Budapest.

In fact, the manager of the Sunshine Hotel, Gergely Toth in Siofok City, also offered his hotel room for those who had just returned from abroad and had to undergo self-isolation for two weeks.

Now, there are around 39 people at the Sunshine Hotel who are doing self-isolation. The kindness of hotel managers is not only about lodging, but also providing food for free.

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