PADANG - Two employees of PT AWB in Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra (West Sumatra) were killed by lightning. Both died while playing cell phones on top of the company's monitoring tower.

Kasat Reskrim Dharmasraya Police, AKP Suyanto, said the two employees were Jonata Hutagalung (18) and Pendi Hulawa (16). The two victims came from Medan who worked at PT AWB.

"Two victims were struck by lightning while playing with their cellphones when it was drizzling with bad weather," said AKP Suyanto as quoted by Antara, Friday, March 18.

The unfortunate incident began when the two victims and a colleague headed for PT AWB's Blok G 15 fire monitoring tower looking for a signal to call.

Arriving at the location, the two victims immediately climbed the tower and played the phone. It was raining at that time.

"While playing with his cellphone, at around 00.00 WIB, the victim was struck by lightning, immediately did not move and fell unconscious. Fellow victim Yan Fernando (16) tried to wake up, but was unsuccessful, then finally went down to find help," he said.

After receiving help, he continued, the victim was rushed to Sungai Dareh Regional Hospital, but eventually died.

"One survivor is currently undergoing treatment at the hospital," continued AKP Suyanto.

The police have visited the scene of the case and asked for testimony from witnesses and the company regarding the incident.

The police urge the public not to use the telephone when the weather is bad, because there is a potential for lightning, "said AKP Suyanto.

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