SUBANG - Former Purwakarta Regent Dedi Mulyadi admitted that he was ready to witness the review (PK) of the 2016 murder case of Vina and Eky. Dedi Mulyadi said he had a clear picture of Vina's murder.

"I'm willing, with pleasure. Because the flow in my brain has been illustrated and has been felt," said Dedi Mulyadi after receiving a visit from Saka Tatal's legal team in Subang, last Sunday.

"I only reconstructed the events in 2016 to become an event today in digital reconstruction. Judges can see their facial expressions, lying or not," added Dedi.

It is known, Saka Tatal, who is one of the convicts of the murder of Vina and Eky and has been released after serving a prison sentence, filed a PK at the Cirebon District Court.

Saka Tatal's legal team assesses that Dedi Mulyadi has helped a lot in disclosing the truth in this case. Currently, Saka Tatal's team of attorneys has prepared four novums to be submitted to the PK later. In addition, Saka Tatal's party also asked Dedi Mulyadi to be a witness in the trial.

"In preparation for PK, apart from the novum that we have prepared, we will also present expert witnesses and community leaders, especially Kang Dedi, who from the beginning traced the truth of the incident," said Saka Tatal's legal team, Titin Prilianti.

According to him, the testimony of KDM, as Dedi Mulyadi is called, is needed as a figure who traced the case from the start until finally many other witnesses appeared and wanted to speak honestly.

"Kang Dedi was amazing to trace from the start, even the evidence that was initially difficult for me to obtain after being visited by Kang Dedi is now revealed. Thank you very much, that's why Kang Dedi is ready to be a witness," said Titin Prilianti.

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