JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to carry out corruption eradication work even though the corona virus or COVID-19 is endemic. In accordance with the provisions of the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019, cases handled by this institution have a time limit of up to two years.

"In fact, the provisions of the Law are limited to the period of detention, completion of case files, transfer of cases and settlement of cases at the trial stage. So the KPK is still actively taking action, including examining witnesses," said Plt. KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his written statement, Tuesday, March 24.

With the COVID-19 pandemic, the KPK made adjustments in the examination process with the aim of reducing the spread of the corona virus or COVID-19. One way is to check the temperature of the witnesses who will be examined.

"The lobby staff will check the body temperature of the witnesses and / or the person being questioned in advance and report it to the examiner. If there is an indication of a high temperature, it will be rescheduled," he said.

In addition, before entering the room, as recommended in other places, the parties being questioned, both witnesses and suspects, are required to wash their hands with the hand sanitizer that has been provided.

Meanwhile, investigators who are still engaged in the field or conducting investigations in the area, said Fikri, will be equipped with masks and hand sanitizers.

Regarding the examination of witnesses, KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron said the KPK created a special room for witness examination in the midst of the spread of COVID-19. The room, said Ghufron, would be closed by a transparent wall between witnesses and investigators.

"For example, witnesses are no longer in the old examination room but are placed separately between the examiner and the witnesses who are summoned and made separately with transparent walls," said Ghufron.

This room will later be equipped with loudspeakers and various equipment needed by KPK investigators. In addition, to maintain the safety of investigators, the KPK has also provided standard operating procedures (SOP) related to the prevention of COVID-19.

"We have provided SOPs and materials to clean ourselves from the corona virus," he said.

As of Monday, March 23, the total number of corona positive patients reached 579. Meanwhile, the total number of recovered cases reached 30 people, while 49 people died.

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