Acting Chairman of the Indonesian General Elections Commission (KPU) Mochammad Afifuddin responded to the ongoing judicial review of Law Number 10 of 2016 concerning Pilkada processed at the Constitutional Court (MK).
Meanwhile, the KPU is currently carrying out the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada stages. The Pilkada stage is now entering the fulfillment of the requirements for support for individual or independent pairs of candidates for individual blood heads.
"This KPU just accepts it. You have to do whatever it takes to decide the judiciary, we have to do it," said Afif when met at the KPU RI Office, Central Jakarta, Friday, July 12.
The Constitutional Court's decision, which came out during the election stage, was acknowledged by Afif, so that the election organizers had to change technical regulations related to elections.
Bearing in mind, the Constitutional Court's decision which changes the provisions of the law has binding legal force. Thus, the KPU must adapt to follow up on the decision.
"Indeed, in the middle of the stages, sometimes there are changes. These changes occur in some of our arrangements regarding the stages of this election," said Afif.
"So, things are not everything in us. There are new decisions that we adapt and so on. That's what we have to make changes, adjustments to new norms that become judicial decisions," he added.
Previously, Constitutional Justice Enny Nurbaningsih said that his party opened up opportunities to speed up decisions on Pilkada Law lawsuits. This is considering the ongoing stages of the 2024 Pilkada.
However, the decision depends on the results of the meeting of judges (RPH) of the Constitutional Court (MK).
"The PUU process is carried out according to the procedural law whether it will be accelerated, which will decide the RPH," said Enny, some time ago.
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