TANJUNG SELOR - North Kalimantan Regional Police (Polda) deployed hundreds of National Police personnel to secure a re-voting (PSU) in the electoral district (dapil) 1 Central Tarakan, Tarakan City on July 13.

The Kaltara Police Chief Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya revealed that 120 Polda personnel were dispatched to Tarakan on Thursday, July 11.

"This security is a form of Polri's readiness to ensure smoothness and security of the community during the PSU in Tarakan City," said Inspector General Daniel Adityajaya.

The Kaltara Police Chief ordered personnel who secured the PSU to stay focused on security tasks by always prioritizing safety between personnel.

"If something unwanted happens, personnel must act according to applicable procedures, not to endanger public safety, even personal safety and other personnel," he said.

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