JAKARTA - Approximately 575 members of the Indonesian Parliament and their respective family members will undergo a rapid test method for the corona virus or COVID-19. However, the plan has been criticized and rejected because it is considered to have undermined the rights of the community and medical personnel, which should have been prioritized.

This rapid test will involve hundreds of council members and their family members, totaling 2,000 people. This test will be held at the DPR RI official residence complex, Kalibata and Ulujami, Jakarta.

During the examination, they were supervised by four doctors and four paramedics. Initially, only board members over 50 years of age will undergo the examination. However, many other members wanted to take the test. As a result, all board members will be tested.

However, this activity was rejected by the PKSI faction. Chairman of the PKS DPR Faction, Jazuli Juwaini, said it would not be good if the medical examination was carried out specifically for council members. Because in the midst of current conditions, people who are victims and medical personnel who are at the forefront of fighting COVID-19 should be prioritized.

"The PKS faction has expressed its attitude of asking the DPR Secretary General to cancel or at least prioritize it only for those with symptoms of illness. It is not good in the current condition where medical personnel and the people need more," said Jazuli, Monday, March 23.

Jazuli continued, there should be no difference in treatment between members of the DPR RI and their families and the general public. If someone is experiencing symptoms of the disease, then it is better to immediately consult a doctor and isolate or quarantine at home as recommended by the government.

He said that DPR members should prioritize or prioritize the people in a situation like this, not even carry out special examinations for members of the DPR RI and their families.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman of Commission II DPR RI from the NasDem Faction, Saan Mustopa, said that society should be prioritized when there is an outbreak of disease like today. He asked his colleagues to be more empathetic with the current condition.

He said, this test should prioritize those who are active in crowds and medical personnel who are considered to be most vulnerable to contracting this virus.

However, when the process of examining the rapid corona test had to be carried out, he suggested that it should only be done if the board members were examined only those who were elderly or had shown symptoms of being infected.

Separately, the public policy analysis, Trubus Rahadiansyah, assesses that the rapid test conducted by DPR members has proven that they seem to be using their privileges and do not think about the interests of the people. In fact, they became members of the DPR thanks to the support of the people. Supposedly, members of the people's representatives should continue to innovate and seek new breakthroughs to free society from the COVID-19 outbreak.

"DPR members do not have to ask for their own privileges. They should mingle with the community, they should be role models," said Trubus.

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