JAKARTA - Lawyer Rizieq Shihab and former officials of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) are detained before the East Jakarta District Court. Lawyers are prohibited from entering the court by the police.

Based on VOI monitoring, there was tension between lawyers Rizieq Shihab, Munarman, and Alamsyah Hanafiah with the police. Rizieq's lawyer has not been allowed to enter.

There was an argument with the police. They questioned the reasons behind the ban on entry to the court.

"What is the reason for not being allowed to enter? We are Rizieq Shihah's official attorneys. We have a power of attorney", said a Rizieq lawyer, Friday, March 19.

However, the police did not explain the reasons behind the ban. Not long after, representatives from the East Jakarta District Court came out and chatted with the lawyers.

However, it was not clear what they were talking about. What is clear is that even though there are representatives, the lawyers are still not allowed to enter.

For information, the East Jakarta District Court decided to continue to hold trials of the defendant Rizieq Shihab and officials of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) online. Although, previously Rizieq Shihab and the lawyer asked for the trial to be carried out online until they finally walked out.

"The defendant is presented virtually or online. Not present in the courtroom of the East Jakarta District Court", said East Jakarta District Court Public Relations Officer Alex Adam Faisal in his statement, Thursday, March 18.

One of the reasons for the online trial decision is because until now it is still the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the online trial is to avoid the spread of the new coronavirus.

There is also an indictment trial that will be held on Friday, March 19, namely the alleged violation of the health protocol in Petamburan and the UMMI Hospital swab test with the defendant Rizieq Shihab.

Then, the case of alleged violations of the health protocol in Petamburan with the defendants Haris Ubaidillah, Ahmad Sabri Lubis, Ali Alwi Alatas bin Alwi Alatas, Idrus alias Idrus Al-Habsyi, and Maman Suryadi.

Finally, the case trial was related to the results of the swab test with the defendant Muhammad Hanif Alatas.

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