JAKARTA - The Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD asked the DKI Provincial Government to immediately socialize the Draft Regional Regulation (Raperda) on Management of Domestic Wastewater to the public. Bearing in mind, the regulations that will be ratified into regional regulations (perda) contain criminal articles for all parties who litter. "“There needs to be an emphasis on integration factors in the information system regarding the management of this wastewater. So that regulations are not only known in the scope of wastewater management,” said Member of the Bapemperda of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Dwi Rio Sambodo in his statement, Monday, July 8. Member of the Bapemperda DPRD DKI Jakarta August Hamonangan also asked the DKI Jakarta Water Resources Service to use the Jakarta Kini (JAKI) application to socialize regional regulations so that they are easily accessible to the public. "Don't let the regional regulation be knocked, we know that the application we need for submitting this information data is not ready at all," said August. Currently, the Raperda on Domestic Wastewater Management has been prepared. Draft Raperda will be discussed in a joint leadership meeting to be approved, then consulted with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) before it is ratified. The Raperda on Domestic Waste Management contains 18 chapters and 63 articles. Consisting of Chapter I of General Provisions, Chapter II of Domestic Waste Management System, Chapter III of Waste Quality Baku. Chapter IV of Duties and Authority of Local Governments, Chapter V of Rights and Obligations, Chapter VI of Financing and Funding, Chapter VII of Cooperation, Chapter VIII, and Chapter IX of Business Licensing. Furthermore, Chapter X Service Tariffs and Subsidies, Incentives, Chapter XI Guidance and Supervision, Chapter XII Data and Information, Chapter XIII Competition, Chapter XIV Prohibition, Chapter XV Investigation, Chapter XVI Criminal Provisions, Chapter XVII Transitional Provisions, and Chapter XVIII Closing Provisions. In the draft regional regulation, there are criminal sanctions for residents and business entities that litter in Jakarta.
Apart from imprisonment, there are also administrative sanctions. This is regulated in Article 56 Paragraph 2 of the Raperda on Management of Domestic Wastewater. The article states that anyone who disposes of waste carelessly is threatened with imprisonment for a maximum of six months or a maximum fine of IDR 50 million.

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