PEKANBARU - A joint SAR team (Search and Rescue) combed the sea in the North Malacca Strait of Bengkalis, Riau to look for the crew of the MV YASHMA ship, Kirill (22), which was lost in the waters on Saturday. "The victim has not yet been found, and the victim was declared missing on Saturday at 8.00 WIB," said Head of Pekanbaru Basarnas, Budi Cahyadi, to reporters in Pekanbaru, Antara, Sunday, July 7. Budi said the joint SAR team conducted a search after information was obtained from the Basarnas Command Center (BCC), namely integrated facilities to facilitate coordination, control and monitoring of operational implementation. SAR operations require speed in making a decision and the presence of BCC is for teams in the field so that they can work in a structured manner and the results of their operations can be seen. "The ship MV Yashma is said to have departed from Bolshoy Port of St. Petersburg Russia to Vungtau, Vietnam. The victim reportedly drowned at coordinates 01°48’00”N 102°23’09”, because it fell," said Budi. He explained that according to MV YASHMA, the initial search effort had been carried out but the victim had not yet been found. On Saturday (6/7) Budi said again, the SAR team coordinated with VTS Dumai to check ships passing around the location. "At 20.10 WIB, the Pekanbaru SAR office contacted VTS Dumai asking about information on the progress of the MV YASHMA search, but with the information submitted it was still nil," he said.
Next at 22.30 WIB the Bakamla KN Belut Laut 406 ship communicated with MV YASHMA via channel 16 radio VHF asking for help in searching for the MV YASHMA crew and helping carry out searches around the location.

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