Dino Patti Djalal Highlights Land Mafia Case Handling: Lack Of Personnel
Dino Patti Djalal (Instagram dinopattidjalal)

JAKARTA - Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dino Patti Djalal highlighted the system for handling land cases in the police. He considered, so far it is still not optimal, it must be fixed.

The lack of optimal handling in the police, said Dino, reflects on the case that had happened to his mother. For only one case, police officers had to work overtime to investigate it thoroughly.

"If the police are already overcrowded. It's like my case, there are those who are caught in the end, huh. That would work for days until morning on just one case," said Dino in a discussion entitled 'Land Mafia Illegal Practices in Institution' which was broadcast online, Thursday, March 18th.

"Try to handle 100 cases while only 12-15 people work, does that make sense?" he continued.

For this reason, in an effort to eradicate the land mafia, the entire handling system must be addressed. Starting from the system for receiving reports to investigating cases, it must be improved.

At a minimum, there are additional members in the unit that handles land cases. So, all reports from parties who are victims of the land mafia can be handled properly

"So the capacity must be changed, the work system must be changed, the report receiving system and the report processing system must be improved," he said.

For information, in the land mafia case that befell Dino Patti Djalal's mother, the police have at least named 15 suspects.

The dozens of suspects were based on three police reports. The modes used by the perpetrators ranged from borrowing land and building certificates to changing ownership.

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